Single Ticket – $65
Better in pairs (2 tickets) – $100
This two hour workshop covers the techniques of preserving and mounting scorpions. Heterometrus laoticus to be exact. That\’s right, these guys are actually big enough to wire and stuff, (7 inches including tail) so we can classify this as a perfect marriage between Arthropod mounting and taxidermy. We will be using an epoxy resin clay for extra added resilience.
Each participant will go home with their very own scorp, what happens after that is between you and your maker – Framed mount, bell jar baby, the sky is the limit!
The specimen you receive has been made flexible and soft, additional dry specimens will be available for purchase, don\’t worry… we will cover all the things you need to know to get them ready for mounting in the comfort of your own home, or give a kit as a gift!
The Meddling with Nature crew will show you the ins and outs of preserving, mounting and displaying these pinchy pokey little critters. Meddlers big and small, armed with their new found knowledge, will enjoy this DIY opportunity to mount and take home your very own exotic specimen.
Because of the intensity of the project, we are limited to only 6 seats to ensure everyone gets our full attention.
June 27, 7:30pm – 9:30pm
Hail Dark Aesthetics
720 Main St
Covington KY 41011
Times – Event begins at 7:30 pm. Feel free to arrive early to browse through the shop, enjoy some drinks, snacks and get settled in.
Are there ID or minimum age requirements to enter the event? – There is no age requirement for this workshop but we suggest 10 and up.
What are my transportation/parking options for getting to and from the event? – Parking is all on street and free.
What can I bring into the event? – Anything you might want to use in your mount is good to tote along. Be creative! You want your critter to play the banjo? Bring a tiny banjo! Keep in mind that much of things you augment your piece with can be done in post-mount.
You can bring insects of your own for mounting advice, but no materials are necessary for the workshop.
Oh, and as usual… some water and beer will be available (for participants over 21) but feel free to bring your own treats.
How can I contact the organizer with any questions? – tracy@hailcincinnati.com
Do I have to bring my printed ticket to the event? – Nope
Can I update my registration information? – Sure, why not?
Is my registration fee or ticket transferrable? – This is transferable
Is it ok if the name on my ticket or registration doesn\’t match the person who attends? – This is transferable